Time flies when you're having fun, huh?

Apr 11, 2006 14:07

I'm working from home again, for the second day in a row. I haven't been sleeping well the past two nights, and staying home grants me an extra two hours of sleep in the morning, so I opted for that. It's awesome to have such freedom, and I am very, very glad I brought my laptop home with me last Thursday, since I almost decided not to. I'm a bit fuzzy today though. I probably could have used more than an extra two hours, but I had a conference call at 9:30 I had to be up for.

We had a good weekend, for the most part. sajuka's brother in law actually stayed over on Thursday evening. He flew up last Thursday night for an interview in the area on Friday. It was nice to see him, since sajuka and I have yet to get down to D.C. to visit with his sister's family. Friday we stayed in, waiting to see if the front blowing through would prevent his flying back to DC and require him to crash on our sofa-sleeper again.

Saturday we met up with celiskywalker and her boy to go see V for Vendetta. It went in with no expectations since I didn't know much about it other than that all of my friends (except for one) were raving about it. I only heard one person say "Eh, it was decent", so I figured we should go. It was good. I liked it. I think I was most impressed by the cinematography. It just didn't look or feel like anything you've come to expect from movies lately. I could have done without the artistic splashes of bright red blood at the end though, no matter how nice of an accent the color made. And now I know a little bit more about English history, having done some post-movie research about Guy Fawkes and the fifth of November. I do have one question for the few of you I know that are across the pond - the Guy Fawkes mask from the movie - is that actually a standard mask that's been around for years (or even centuries), for wearing around the bonfires or for decorating effigies, or was it something created specifically for the movie (as I originally assumed)? I honestly was quite confused that the authorities in the movie identified his mask as that of Guy Fawkes, since I'd never even heard of the guy.

Anyway, after the movie, we had dinner at Uno's and then went back to their new house for a few hours of games. It was good fun, even if Anthony Daniels wasn't there.

In amongst various other things going on, tomorrow I have an appointment at 2 to speak with the head of the graduate Mechanical Engineering program about my lack of a thesis. Wish me luck! Saturday I'm heading over to Lori's to work on Officer hats, so that we can participate in 501st events during the closing weekend of the Star Wars exhibit at the Museum of Science (last weekend of April).

I can't believe Easter is Sunday. Um, where does time go? We don't have any plans, mostly because we don't really have any family in the area and we never did find a church to attend. Not that I remember what we did last year, either... I did make sure to pick up several bags of Sweettarts chicks and bunnies though - my favorite part of Easter!

friends, movies, school

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