Remember - wherever you go, there you are.

Feb 16, 2006 15:01

The Johari site seems to be working now, so go ahead and tell me what you think of me. Don't worry, there aren't too many words there that I'll take offense to. :-)

sajuka and I had a very nice Valentine's Day. We didn't give Halmark, florists, or candy shops any business though. He got me The Ultimate Visual Guide to Star Wars, the large, relatively thin hardcover with Vader on the front, and I got him two DVDs - The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension and Season 1 of Teen Titans. We went to Olive Garden for dinner, and had a very nice relaxing evening.

I finished Outbound Flight yesterday, which was so fabulous I couldn't put it down. I tend to get sucked into good books, which tends to annoy sajuka... It's a good thing he loves me so much. Thrawn is just the coolest Star Wars villian ever, and it was sooooo cool to get to see a young Car'das, and see how he got his start in the business. Those that have read The Hand of Thrawn duology will remember him as being Talon Karrde's former boss, whom Mara, Lando, and later Karrde and Shada seek out regarding the Camassi Document. Tim Zahn is just so brilliant at weaving together complicated plots and schemes, which is why Thrawn is the coolest bad guy ever. After I finished Outbound Flight I immediately had to pick up Survivor's Quest for a re-read, after which I intend to re-read the Hand of Thrawn duology again. Also, the next time I see Zahn, I need to ask him which order he thinks these books should be read in, because I'm curious as to his opinion.

new toys, memes, books, star wars

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