Nov 21, 2005 03:03
If there is one thing in the world that I could choose to tell you, it would be this:
You are in control of your own destiny. Whatever path you choose for yourself is the path you are going to have in life. Things are going to happen, whether they be good or bad. You will face weeks of heartbreak at a time. You will be confident and carefree for days upon days. Life is going to happen whether you choose to face it or not.
The reason I want to share with you what I have learned is because I want you to have a step up on the average child today. I feel that each and every one of you has the ability to become something that is completely, totally, and definitively awesome. The only thing stopping you is what you believe you can't do. Do you think that Albert Einstein was afraid of not being able to kick homeruns? You need to decide that you want to have control of your life and say no to what you don't want. Many things in your life are going to come to you and seem like they would make life awesome. From experience, let me tell you, there is so much more to life than yourself. I hate races. I feel that every single person I meet is on the same level ground that I am on. I know a lot of white people who hate black people, and I know a lot of black people that don't really care all too much for white people. I think both sides are right. I've got mad hatred for some white people in history, whether it be our treatment of Native Americans, African Americans, or just for the welfare of someone who could not afford to go to college. There is so much good in the world that will go unnoticed because we are too wrapped up in trying to be more important than our predecessors. I believe socialism isn't that bad of a policy. My socialism may be a tad bit different, but I totally believe that every person could come together with someone and like a chain-link reaction, we'd all be tight and twisted with one another.
I am really concerned about our generation. I like to rock out, drink, and be as philosophical as any person. A few of the kids in my fifth grade class really really concern me. I try my hardest, my partnership teacher tries her hardest, and another teacher tries to reach him. I got him good for like four days. My partnership teacher got him to do things last year, but now he's a big bad fifth grader and thinks the rules don't apply to him. I'm trying to figure out how I can make him get pumped about becoming intelligent. He could be a very bright boy, but he just doesn't have a fire under his ass.
Once I become a teacher, I'm going to start a soccer team and a basketball team. Soccer (a.k.a. futbol) is the world's most popular sport. In America, the average person's favorite thing to do is eat potato chips and watch Rikki Lake, Dr. Phil, or Oprah. Americans as a whole tend to sit on the couch and get chunky. I haven't traveled the world, I've talked to quite a few who have, so I feel confident when I say that America as a whole needs to get up on some international shit and try to make peace with all of the people we have pissed off so badly in foreign lands. I'm trying to go to Jamaica, Denmark, and Amsterdam before I start "officially" teaching. I want to travel the entire world so I can educate in every environment.
I'm really fearing the last day of my student teaching. I love my kids with all of my heart. I'm going to miss them when I'm gone. I went to a soccer game (waking up at 7:30 on my only day off) and a football game on Saturday. My pupil playing soccer scored a hat trick, and one playing football did the best he's done all season. His father gave me mad props for coming out to my students' games. It's the least I can do. I was angry because my soccer kid's mother is the coach of their team, and they could have really used a young man who understands organization behind soccer. When their was a 50/50 ball between opposite teams, both would give up the ball to the other team. If you're playing in a league, you have to take that as if it were your own. In life, you will not succeed unless you capitalize on every opportunity. If you have a chance to make it, you need to grab it with both hands and rock it!
I've come up with a new policy about women. I'm just going to be me, and if a girl wants to chase me, then that rocks. I'm tired of being the one putting my heart out there and getting it trampled on. There are so many people who could be perfect for you, but it's just a matter of finding someone who is perfect for that moment in your life. 5 years later, you would be the perfect married couple. Today, you get pissed at one another all of the time and that passion in bed is only fueled by confusion. I feel like I have to truly establish myself before I get too involved with a woman. There are one, maybe two women in my life with whom I would consider becoming intimate with. One of them, I fuck up all of the time with. The other, I'm just afraid of being out of line with one of my best friends.
I really need to get to sleep. Ideally, you would already be there. I know I would have if I could have!