yourself to some nonsense.

Nov 21, 2004 18:29

Alright, a sober entry.

Last night kinda sucked. It started out promising, but all I managed to do was get drunk and help Adam close the bar. Women are starting to disappoint me. One thing leads to another, and it all ends up fruitless. If a girl would agree to do something and actually do it, then that would go a long way. I mean, go out to dinner, cook dinner, watch a movie, get coffee, or even just hang out and talk. I'm not a difficult man. I may be a little goofy, but shit. I'm cool.

I've been talking to my parents on the phone nearly every night. It's pretty good, I guess. I had a pretty good relationship with my parents, but I hated talking to them for numerous reasons. Now that fear is subsided, and we actually converse.

I got my placement for student teaching. It's at Rachel Freeman and I'll be doing the 4th grade.

So, I'm going to go and put a deposit down at McMillian Oaks tomorrow. I'm not really looking forward to the whole moving process. Boxing shit up is so depressing.

I have to write some poems for the class I'm working with now. I gave them an assignment and told them I'd do it to, since we all have to read a couple poems we have written. I either have to do a limerick, a haiku, a cinquain, a diamante, or an acrostic poem.


Colorful eyes wander
around the room,
noisily purring.
Toys jingle like Christmas bells
aimlessly rolling on the carpet.
Not entertained, he lays down-
the beast at his food bowl,
eating delightfully.

Ha, that's an acrostic poem, and I think I'm going to use that.

Green pond water smells
pine needles and dead leaves float
our pool is not safe

There once was a man from Burgaw
who had one hand and one paw
his back had smooth fur
he tended to purr
and wished to devour his macaw.

The car
corners nimbly
accelerates quickly
decelerates instantly
My Focus.

Intelligent, witty
laughing, smiling, joking
educator, learner, liver, lover
dancing, singing, talking
Creative, proud

haha. Those are all the forms of poetry I taught the kids.

I'm off to get cat litter and then cook dinner. Dolla dolla bills y'all.

Much love.
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