
Feb 26, 2010 08:59

Yesterday was a funny day.  It started out with the back of my pants splittingin the middle of dance class in the morning.  One fully exposed bare bum for all my classmates to see!  Fortuitously, I was at the back of the class and near the door, and in the one part of the room not fully visible by mirrors, so I don't actually think anyone knew... except for the EVERYONE I told about it once I had had the chance to change my pants.  I never bring an extra pair of pants to school, but I did yesterday.  it's almost like I had a premonition that the first pair would not be making it through the day.   It is funny to me to realize how much I've changed over the past few years - at 20, I would have been mortified and obsessed about this for months, And have sat there unable to return to class and face my peers.  Now I was laughing by the time I had managed to change my pants, and returned to class eager to share the story with everyone...  I don't know if thats a sign of maturity, but it sure as hell makes life more fun.

The rest of the day was less remarkable, because, honestly how do you top that?

But I did have a funny run in on my way to work in the evening:

I had just passed an acquaintance of mine and exchanged a brief nod and smile, when I looked up to see a gawky kid running towards me in that weird awkward way that 16 year old boys run, before they've figured out their growth spurt.  I moved to the side of the sidewalk so he could run by, and as he passed me he said "Stop being so racist!".  For the life of me I have no idea why he said that to me... I don't actually know what race he was, all I saw was a gawky teenager.  The only thing I could think of that could have warranted his thought process was that from his point of view, I had made an effort to nod and smile at the caucasian female walking in front of him, but had made no such effort with him.  Little does he know that i'm just not inclined to be friendly with strangers around dusk on an empty street....

The comment bothered me though, because I really don't think I am racist...  And the idea that someone would assume I am was upsetting on some level.  

ripped pants, racism

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