Hey! I am helping out
slashxyouxup whose had some serious computer problems. Coming up next is instructions on how to send in your final fic and art (to the comm's new gmail christmasbangmods@gmail.com) but first I want to get the remaining stories claimed.
Anyone can claim, if you know an artist who might be interested in a story please pass along a link to this post!.
Now, to claim just comment with the following:
Story #/Title:Email: #7
Title: iChristmas Fire
Fandom: iCarly
Pairings (if any): Mostly gen. Carly/OC. It’s only a side pairing and not that important to the story.
Word Count: 5,000+
Rating/Warnings: T and watch out for slight femslash, strange humor at times, and random things setting on fire.
Summary: Twas the twelve days before Christmas, when all through the house things were being set on fire, and possibly even a mouse. It’s all Spencer’s fault and Carly blames him for setting things on fire sometimes on a whim.
Carly, Freddie, and the whole iCarly gang only want to spend Christmas without going up in flames. However, this dream is impossible, you see because Spencer, as Sam would say, is a one-of-a-kind idiot who constantly burns the day. A baby Jesus, some tinsel, a Christmas Ham, and even Santa Claus are victim to Spencer who, as hard as he tries, will never get better at not setting things on fire.
Title: Through These Years
Fandom: My Chemical Romance
Pairings (if any): Frank/Gerard
Word Count: 10,300 words
Rating/Warnings: character death, mild angst, heart diseases; mentions Vietnam but not in detail; inspired by The Years Of Arc.
Summary: Frank and Gerard started as friends, then became lovers and, through these years, they've known each other like no one else. In the end, there will be much more than love between them. However, only one of them will live long enough to realize that.
Title: The 12 Days of Christmas - The Winchester Remix
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters/Pairings: Sam, Dean, Bobby, Castiel, John, Ellen, Jo, Gabriel, Crowley, Warnings: rack!fic, slight spoilers for Changing Channels, language, mentions of sexual situations
Rating: PG-13
Current Word Count: 2764
Summary: Beginning Christmas Day, Sam and Dean recieve several strange and unusual presents. Watch as they try (and fail) to figure out who or what is sending them and why.
Title: Cries Will Be Singing Silent Night
Fandom: Bandom (MCR/Killjoys)
Pairings (if any): Party Poison/Gerard
Word Count: As of right now 3784
Rating/Warnings: PG13 will the possibility of become R
Summary: Christmas in Battery City is very different than in the Zones.
Title: Christmas with My Little Girl
Fandom: tennis
Pairings (if any): Mardy Fish/Tommy Haas
Word Count: 5050
Rating/Warnings: NC-17; slash, baby fic. (not mpreg), continuation of My Little Girl (a previous year's NaNo)
Summary: For Rose's first Christmas, Mardy and Tommy decide to invite their friends to their house. Together, they have fun and enjoy the holidays.
Title: Together Again for Christmas
Fandom: wrestling
Pairings (if any): Ted DiBiase/Kelly Kelly
Word Count: (not done yet)
Rating/Warnings: NC-17; graphic sex
Summary: After several years apart, two former lovers bump into each other in a cafe and make the decision to renew their relationship.
Authors if you have any questions or concerns please send an email to christmasbangmods@gmail.com