May 12, 2004 00:10
Well today was a pretty fun day, I woke up at about noon, I had to be at the store no later than 11:30...well that didn't happen! Once I showered and got to the store it was like 12:45, I did some odds and ends, and then had to go to the hardware store... The thought of me around hardware is less than desirable... LOL So then I had to work by myself from 2-5 which isn't long but we were really busy and I didn't get a chance to Pre-Clean so I was there until like 5:20... After that I came home, had a nice little fight with my dad(what's new there) I headed down to Frick Park,and hung out with my Family. Dan called and I talked to him for a good time on the phone, I miss being able to see him all the time...oh well the weekend is coming up!!!:P I talked to my little cousin Nick tonight who is 11 or 12 let me tell you that boy is going to grow up to be the biggest Faggot I have ever met!! He reminds me of myself so much it's scary!! We had a good conversation and he is a cool Kid... I do however honestly think he is going to grow up to be gay!! Oh well it's not that bad of a life.... RIGHT!!!!!! After that I came home, and talked to some hotties on the phone and online.... My dad brought me gummy worms( my favorite) so I guess he isn't such an ass on second thought.. I really miss my girl heather, and I miss people at Da Beave.... I tried to communicate with Eric today, but I think he has gone off the edge. I thought he was only being an ass cause he was at school with his friends, turns out that is just his personaallty.... Oh well his loss!!! So yeah tomorrow looks like another day at the store and perchance some evening fun...who knows Until next time