Well Well Well, I can say this has been one Crazy weekend. Let's see what all I did. Friday morning I left for Heathers house. I got there around 1:30, and Heather was gone, so I went out and about Pittsburgh with Lindsay, who is my girl!!! We came back and Had Dinner with her Family!! Basically her family loves me, and if I wasn't a big fag, they would want me to marry her. So like 4:30 comes and we have to leave for Heathers Alcohol classes at CCBC. So we head out like the grand Divas we are. We decided we have 10 mins so we are going to meet Heathers girlfriend for Ice Cream....Big Mistake, they got into a huge fight and we were almost late for class...:P in class we met some very interesting people, There was one Egyptian guy named Abe, who we both fell in love with. I can honestly say he is one of the hottest guys I have ever seen. So After class we run down to Chrissa's (Heather's girl) house. Were I started Drinking.... haha yeah right after the Alcohol class. it was classic!!!! Then I started calling people random and performed some crazy shit that night... Here Dan had been waiting at Heathers so we finally left at like 12:00. LMAO!!!! So Saturday morning rolls around and we decide to leave early to go by Chrissa's work, for free McDonalds. She is the manager of McDonalds. We then go back to Alcohol class, and of course heather, Abe, and I are the best dressed people there, and Heather was wearing sweats....haha The day flew by and we got out two and a half hours early. After class heather became my hero by beating the shit out of some Boy, who preformed a hate crime against us. :P I LOVE YOU GIRL!!! We then headed back to Pittsburgh, where we went out to Dinner with Kitty and Lindsay, once again a crazy and fun time. I took a nap, and Started our Saturday Night, ( I won't go into all the drama we preformed) however it ended with Dan, Lindsay, and I going to Dennys and having a Blast, After that it was time to go to sleep.... Which I didn't do much of...LOL However I was woke up at 11:00 am on Sunday by Bryan
bry_guy who wanted to come back with me to school. So I met him back here at Beaver and we had lunch at Taco Bell, and then drive around down Moffett Road....it was a good time. Later that night Matt came home from Erie and we went to see a movie. Afterwards we chilled here, Matt brought over a visitor, and it was one of those moments you can't talk about but just laugh your ass off.... All and All Jeffrey had a wonderful weekend, tonight I am going to hopefully Chill with Danny, and then who knows what....