Holidays and The Shit.

Jan 13, 2010 11:10

Chrismahanakwanziyule: People came, they saw, they left. We had family at the house on Christmas eve, we visited everyone over the weeks, from work to friends to family. People wanted to see the new house, Tanner’s mom stayed with us a few days, we bounced from one location to the next over the course of 48 hours. We were so tired by the time New Years rolled around, we were home and in bed before 1 am. There was a flurry of excitement, old friends, and good times. We really did have fun, trade gifts, eat food, and overall, have a Merry Festive Holiday. The best part and the most stressful part was the McCracken family and the Martin Family coming together. Paul, Tanner’s dad, had met my folks, but it’d been brief and where we really couldn’t talk. But, at the party, they traded traveling stories and shared some common movies and interests. So, it was the first Holiday for us really together as families. It was our first holiday in the house. And oh, it was so good. It’ll be even better next year when we have time to decorate and cook and have the house finally put together.

I got a lot of tools, money, and items for the house. That’s what I wanted. Tanner’s parents got me junk food brain books (new Dragonlance novels) and Dad got me the new Hitchhiker book. Other than a sweater and some small odds and ends, it was house gifts.

Oh, and I got a tree. I’m reluctant to take it down. Still. I mean, we still have the Secret Santa swap to do. I also hit a few post Christmas sales and got stuff for next, like stockings, tree toppers, and odds and ends.

House: It’s got quirks. We can run the dishwasher at the same time as the washing machine unless we want a small pond in the garage. There’s some leaks and creeks and groans. I guess after the furnace, everything else seems minor. We’ve still got to finalize finances and chores. The leaves were never raked (sickness, holidays, time, etc) and we’re still not in routines for dishes and garbage and litterboxes and picking up. I think once we get the new furniture (hopefully in a week), we’ll finally be able to settle in. There’s still boxes in corners (just books and collectables), but we shoved most stuff in closets for the Holidays. Once the couches are set, we can arrange the shelves, hang the pictures, and put away the knick knacks and books. Then, it’ll be clear where everything goes.

Nerd-a-tude: Kelli finally ran the module Tanner wrote for her for last Secret Santa. It was fun. Kelli was a little wobbly about some improvisation needed to run a game, but overall, she ran with it pretty well. Regardless, we liked it enough to want to play an encore game sometime. LARP is done for the season finally, we’ve gotten small steps forward in Ravenloft, and Jeff’s stuff has prevented us from Forgotten Realms. The dining room is turning out to be an alright place to game. We can seat six (we put the leaves in. Need to get a table clothe big enough) and its right next to the kitchen. Plus, if any non-gamers are there, the den is separate enough no to disturb the game.

Stuff: Job is good. All of our grants were renewed, so no one should be let go. But, some days are still very stressful and my anxiety can get kinda bad. Regardless, clients are good, we’re growing, and I’ve almost got the system down.

Stupidity: I woke up Monday morning around 6am to my car alarm going off. I struggle out of bed and don’t see anyone outside. I go out, reset the alarm from the front door, thinking that the frost must have set it off. When I got up an hour later and went to start it up, I found the console and glove box had been rummaged through, all the paper thrown into the floor. Apparently, we’d forgotten to lock the front door (it has to be locked manually unlike the rest of the car) when we set the alarm. So, some thief was going around Crestwood, going up people’s driveways, and checking their doors. Since ours was unlocked, they went on in, but the alarm went off, so they didn’t have time to make off with anything. I’d luckily taken any checks or cash inside and they didn’t find the hidey hole where I’d put a gift card. They weren’t sharp enough to take a bank statement and try for fraud. Also, when I’d peeked out at 6am, other’s in the neighborhood peeked out too. If you’re going to travel a neighborhood full of old people, try for 2am instead. Everyone’s up by 6:30 on our street except for us. It had me off the rest of the day, but it was good to know that we were alright.

Meaningful Phrase: ”Sally, if you're going to disturb the meeting with a joke, make sure its not a lame one."

christmas, larp, gaming, theft, house, holidays

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