No seriously. I've done all that I'm supposed to do to get into grad school. I got more than the needed number of referral letters taken care of and sent sweet ass kissings to all the people involved (despite the fact that the submissions by computer are by far the easiest thing next to the game "poke the bunny"). I got my schools records sent in timely like (despite being a procrastinating bitch). I sent in my shiny resume complete with new certifications and updated contact information. I even tracked down the numbers of my GRE scores (despite the four phone calls it took to figure that out because some twit decided my birthday was 10/10/80 rather than 10/4/80. Yea, and despite the phone calls, none of the callers took the time to.. I dunno. CHANGE my birthday to the correct one.. thus causing the next support person to have to go through the whole thing....and the fact that the tech people are in about the same IQ category as my cat.). So, I got all that done..... and guess what... the GRE scores are STILL not to UAB, some 25 days later. I called and e-mailed. GRE says that both the electronic and the CD were sent by July 8. The nice lady at UAB says she double checked and NO, they have not received any of the score forms, even checked the different DOB and the code number I'd given GRE. GRE, on the other hand, seems just as clueless as to what I should do as my cat does (wait, no, at least my cat can tell when I'm upset and does that cute thing where she nuzzles my hand and sleeps on my feet). This wouldn't be all quite so all and bad except that, if these twits don't do their job, this is the last time I can apply with the GRE scores I have since its been so long. So, if I DO fail to get into school now, I've got to go through the OTHER process of taking the GRE AGAIN.
It took an act of congress (and loss of job) to get me to even apply THIS time. I think I'd rather (to quote a favorite game reviewer) swallow razor wire and proceed to floss myself to death.
Speaking of death, what kind of game insists that someone who has made an unkillable character and wants to change the character now must keep playing if he wants those points regardless of the misery he will then inflict upon every other player.... and then turns around and has the character of another player killed without any chance of survival despite the fact that the player has been thoroughly enjoying this romp through a half-assed, somewhat lamely conceived, full of bastards game. Oh wait, I know what game. The Troupe LARP MCN. The game is suppose to be FUN. I mean, thats a game right? So when players don't have fun, the STs perpetuate the torture by sticking to their guns (see also penis) only to turn around and take said toys from players who were actually enjoying themselves on the basis of "You were having too much fun and were asking for it."
Now for the sunny side up rather than the hard boiled stuff.
I mentioned before that I've been listening to some video game reviews by this guy know at Yahtzee. It amuses me. It should amuse you too if you haven't already found him out. He works for this online Mag known as The Escapist which reviews games of many sorts.
Zero Punctuation is the high light of the thing, but also Drawn By Pain is a neat mini bit they are doing. Its the awesome abuse by a British born australian geek that everyone needs in their life. (Especially since Flynn now lives far away)
I also mentioned Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog which is, sadly, no longer freely online (cough cough we probably have it on someone's compy cough cough) but is available for down load. This is singly the best thing to come out of the Writer's Strike evar. Hell, its probably the best thing that could be downloaded onto your computer above the badly done illegal cam of Dark Knight (and if you are really downloading it from a bad cam, then you are a twit yourself and should at least shell out the 9 bucks to see it in the theater... twice). Seriously, good wit, good catchy music, and awesome story. I am SO looking for a lab coat and welding goggles! So, if you can, check it out. Now.
Meaningful Phrase: "By the Hammer, I mean my penis."