so much work, so little willpower

Mar 01, 2010 15:50

 either my wall sucks or the UHU-tac i have sucks, because nothing will stick on that wall for more than 2 days. am dreading the upcoming break week cause plenty things need to be done. do not like :(
have overshot my budget a little so i need to decide whether to give up food or shopping HAHAH. shopping includes household things as well, please.
i was late for tutorial today because i had to run to the library to print out a picture of Scooby-Doo ( we were supposed to bring a picture of a cartoon you used to watch when you were young. actually not much to choose from, when i realised Power Rangers, Barney and Ultraman all weren't cartoons. but i loved Scooby-Doo. i thought they were all so intellgent because they always solved the mysteries before I did in my head. maybe i wasn't a very bright child. but moving on.) the computers were all full and no one looked as though they were going to give up browsing through Facebook because it is SO important (slaves to social networking, you! ) so i had to hang around with an impatient and increasingly wrathful look until i spotted an empty computer.

my point is that i printed out the damn picture and ran all the way to class and she didn't even use it. BAH.

also, my point is that people are way too addicted to facebook. cannot wait until go home and check your damn farm issit. then you can farm until the cows come home OH HO HO I MADE A PUN.

will be doing a project on downloading music and piracy laws so expect an online survey coming your way in the coming weeks!
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