Nov 03, 2009 15:38
Nothing seems to turn out like it's supposed to of late. So lately, i've been under the illusion (or not) that everything will be alright once i get back to Singapore. Which should happen on the 13th of November - but then again, see first sentence.
Maybe I'm just a supremely discontent soul. Nothing seems to have meaning. Nothing will ever make me happy and satisfied in whatever place I am, or leave me wanting more out of this experience. I always feel like I lose out, whatever happens. I can't tell good experiences from neutral ones; they're all the same. I just drift and drift around and wait for something to happen, but Shakespeare certainly didn't write 50 plays from drifting around and surfing meaningless websites all day long, did he.
Yes, maybe I'm supremely discontent.
So I make plans. I make more plans to make up for the actual lack of operations.
When I get back to Singapore and get inevitably asked, "So, what happened?" I won't have a reply. Should go formulate one now so people don't get disappointed.
Shall switch topic before this starts becoming too "deep" , even for me and I start to anger myself.
I've watched roughly one season of the Big Bang Theory (with one more torrenting on the way) and I think it's really quite entertaining heh. I wanted to say more but I've run out of steam on that topic. It's entertaining so watch it okay. I've also made plans to shop alot alot by that I mean aloooooooooooooooooooot in Singapore. It's haunting my thoughts day and night, buying things. I need to buy before I go crazy okay.
Also, going gaga over many aplenty random things. Amongst them:
Am going to force everyone who hasn't seen it to watch Moulin Rogue as it is awesome and that's putting it mildly.
Am going to force everyone to listen to The Script too.
And "Be Gentle With Me" by The Boy Least Likely To. hehe so funny right. The Boy Least Likely To Be Gentle With Me. Real song, real band, do listen.
And read any book by Jhumpa Lahiri - but mostly The Namesake and Unaccustomed Earth. So lovely, please.
And buy a tie-dye dress.
And BRIGHT floral sneakers, which I love so much from Sportsgirl I shall wear them everyday in your face.
I do love imposing my interests on other people so. It hardly works though.
So this "Mood" selection category at the bottom of my post-an-entry box is annoying me. Because I am feeling a plenty number of things right now (none of which are really positive), and none of them can be categorised onto anything on this stupid list. As if you can pigeonhole my emotions like this. I'm not a cartoon character.