YARRRR! Wordcount Wednesday, mateys!

Sep 19, 2007 07:29

Yes, it's Official Talk like a Pirate Day! So be sure ta do yer part.

Today's weekly wordcount update...

50,680 / 65,000

About 2K for the week...not bad considering I was on vacation. I also upped the end word count, in case you didn't notice. We'll see how it goes.

Oh, and I've volunteered to help with the Cybil awards. Just because I don't have enough to do. (can you hear the sarcasm).
kbaccellia talked me into it. I can't judge the fantasy category because RTZ came out this year, but I can do my part. For free books and blog content...

In other randomness, I'm taking this self-promotion class online, offered to all the Samhain authors. Today's homework was to come up with a little tagline, or theme, to help 'brand' yourself, so when people saw it, they'd instantly connect the phrase to you. I had one I was using, but I haven't put it up lately. Everyone seems to like it, so I think it's staying.

Make every day Magical!

Short and to the point, eh? It'll fit on stuff, like keychains and t-shirts and business cards and whatnot.I need to add it to my website today.  If I could figure out how to make it all cool I'd put it up on a cafepress shop. I tried to do it before, but just haven't had time to get back to it. I need to design myself a 'me' bookmark now - meaning one that promotes me a writer, not just the books. Since I'm not with just one publisher anymore, I need it. Being a writer is hard work, folks.

Have a great day, and don't forget to talk like a pirate! YARRRR!

self-promotion, wordcount wednesday, cybils, talk like a pirate day

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