Wednesday Wordcount

Sep 05, 2007 08:01

Today I don't have much else to post! The Independent Book Report is taking off, and today interview with Kim Baccellia is up. I have another on deck for next week, and several more in the wings. So far, so good. I spent much of yesterday at my dad's, playing with babies and talking to both my sisters. I have a couple of books to review, and I did get some writing done. Today is errand day - go to the bank, go to the place we want to have Ry's birthday party and book the date (yes, it's two months away) and go to his school and get all the paperwork so he's ready on his first day, which probably won't be until the end of the month, but I want to be prepared this year. I have to call the doctor and get his shot records, you know how that goes.

So today, it's just a Wordcount. I think this is the day it'll stay. Four days into the month (I know it's the 5th, but this is my wc as of last night), and I'm at....

45,371 / 60,000

I've written over 2K this month already. I'm still waiting for my first-round edits, but I'm hoping to have them before we go on vacation the end of next week, so I can get to work. Yes, I work on vacation. But it's not like work, especially when Hubby takes Ry off and leaves me in peace an quiet in the hotel room.

Happy Wednesday!

vacation, wordcount, independent book report, writing

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