This week's Friday Five is a simple list of things I've planned or will do this weekend.
1) Go see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Hubby and I finally picked a time and we're going. Ry is going to Pop-pop's house. I told Ry I'd make it up to hiim by taking him to see Underdog next week. Ry loves Harry, but there's no way I'm taking him to see this movie. He can see it on DVD when it comes out at Christmas.
2) Finish reading this book for the contest and get it back to the lady in charge so she can pass it on. These are self-published books we're judging, and there are three finalists. I'm not saying anything about any of them, since that wouldn't be fair.
3) Write. I've been off my 600 words a day pace this week. Doesn't sound like much, but that makes 4200 words a week. School is going to start soon, Carrie is sending edits soon, and I want to put this first draft to bed by early September at the latest. I want to get this one as close to 40K as I can by Sunday night. Wow, hard to believe it was only at 9K at the end of May, isn't it?
4) Make sure everything is ready for the Launch Party on Thursday. The books are here, my presentation is clean. I have to decide whether I want to go dressed in 'author' clothes or if it'd be more fun to wear some Faire Wear. Since the Zandria books have a pseudo-medieval setting, but I look terrible in actual medieval clothing (I'm too lumpy for it), I was considering a simple bodice and skirt. Have to dig through the Faire Wear box anyway. Comments? What do you think would be better? I also have a replica of a Norse medieval board game I was thinking of showing the kids. My nine-man Morris board isn't done, but I have this other one.
5) Get all the books I pulled off my shelves up on BookMooch. It's been hard to decide if I want to part with them. But I had to really think a)how many times I've already read the book, b) is it a book I'm likely to read again. I have a few Stephen King hardcovers I'm parting with. I've read them at least twice, and in some cases they gave me such horrible nightmares I won't read them again. And there are just so many new books worth reading, I don't have time to go back and re-read. I have a wishlist on Amazon to prove it!
There are probably other things, like print up more postcards, that will get done, but these are the goals I have. In other news, I've been Plugged! Come and peek at
Plug Your Book to see. There will be an interview somewhere too, when I get the link I'll post it.
And, at long last, a word count meter
37,710 / 55,000
I realize the book will probably top out at 60K, but this makes it look like I'm further along, which makes me feel good. LOL
You all have a great weekend!