Mar 14, 2007 08:16
I must be a mashochist. I felt bad yesterday afternoon, sure. A little defeated, since I spent all that time revising the manuscript. It's really good, and if it's not fabulous yet, I wish someone would tell me what it would take to be fabulous. And KN's site says she wants YA with a commercial bent. I guess it's wasn't commercial enough for her. That's okay.
So to take the sting out of the rejection (which was a nice one, by the way, KN has a lovely sweet form letter), I queried another agent this morning. An agent I have no hope of getting, at an agency that might as well be on the other end of the universe. But, at least I can say I tried, right? Maybe she will like the query enough to look at it. (Remember, publisher #3 loved almost everything about it, but asked for revisions, she wouldn't have asked to see the revisions if she didn't like it, right? Okay deep breath.)
And what's the rule on querying an agent you queried before, but she was at a different agency? You queried her with the old manuscript, like say, two years ago, and now she's at a totally different place? Probably not, right? Just wondering.