My virtual book tour starts tomorrow! I'll try and keep up and post the links, but I think there are five or more stops a week, so if I miss one, please forgive. I've got a lot going on in May - getting ready for my new job, going to the Maryland Faerie Festival. School is done for the summer, fortunately, so at least that pressure will be off. I was going to try and take summer classes, but it didn't work out - they only have one course that I need to take offered, and I need to take two for financial aid - but in the end I'd rather have the time to ease into my new job and the summer to get that all together and write.
Yes, I watched the royal wedding. I was up at 5:30, not 3am, but it was just in time to see William and Harry get to the church. I watched the whole thing on BBCA, then watched the coverage when they started over again to see what I missed. Kate's dress was gorgeous, they looked so happy.
I was 9 when Charles and Di got married. I loved watching it, but was too young to buy memorabilia. I have some clippings and the Time Magazine from the wedding, I think (I have to find them). I'll have to run out and buy Kate and Will's Time tomorrow, so I have a matched set. But I want...the doll.
I feel ridiculous for wanting this doll, but she is gorgeous, and I just WANT HER. This is the one I want: Ashton-Drake Catharine doll Like I said, I was too young to buy a Diana doll, and I'm kind of sad that I don't have one. Yes, it's silly, but something about it strikes the little-girl-princess in me.
I'm going to try and scan some of my wedding pics and post them, so you can compare my wedding with Wills and Kate. Mine was...different. But I didn't have carriages and horses or trumpets. I think I could have used them.