Apr 02, 2011 07:09
It's been a very long week. I actually squeezed in a day and a half of actual work, but also went to the dentist and had a job interview. Finished (sort of) a LONNNG revision. SMOKE & MIRRORS that started at 90,000 words, after adding a prologue and rewriting the storyline, ended up at around 104,000. Over 300 pages. But they're GOOD pages; I'm sure there are probably places I can cut some words; thought I was going to end up cutting more by removing old scenes and adding new, but new scenes ended up being longer. It probably wont' stay that long.
Now I'm doing the waiting thing, for my reader to work her way through the pages and give me notes, before I send it out again. I honestly love the story now, but I'm kind of sick of looking at it too. And now that it's done, I'm still buzzing from that story and can't seem to switch gears to work on anything else. I need to finish the next Library of Athena book, but I think I need a couple of days of downtime. That book is up to 17 chapters and 53,000 words, and there's a lot of story left to go, and I'm exhausted just thinking about it. I'm going to work on some schoolwork for a couple of days, I think, and get some distance before I write again. My plan as of now is to finish the LoA book over the summer.
The job interview went well, I think. Unless my instincts are way off, I got a good vibe from the interview committee, smiling and nodding at my answers. There's always the issue that I'm not finished with school, but this district has several openings in elementary and middle school libraries. I'm not sure how many people they had apply - there were only three other people there to interview with me. So we'll see. It would have advantages and disadvantages, like any other job, but it would be a job. I've talked to several people who know other people who work in this district or did student teaching there and they all really liked it. It's not the schools themselves, but the neighborhood that worries some.
Winter is over, sort of, which means the end of my hibernation. As soon as the weather gets warm, I'll be wanting to be outside more. Got a new canopy for my gazebo, ready to get out the lawn furniture and ride my bike. It also means I have some events coming up!
April 13th I'll be at the Monroe Township Public Library, Williamstown, NJ for the annual Meet the Authors event. I think this is the fourth or fifth year I've done this event, and it's better every year. Then that weekend, on Saturday the 16th, I'll be at the Philadelphia Book Festival. I think we're on the Ben Franklin Parkway; I'll be in a tent with several other authors, signing books.
I still have the Something that is Coming, but I'm still organizing for that, so I don't want to announce it yet. Make you wonder :P
Have a great weekend!
author stuff,
book signings,
job seeking