probably need oil. Or some WD-40. Anyway, after my locked posts yesterday, my mind did start whirring. Necessity being the midwife of invention and all, I've decided to start my own author PR club. This one is only for small press authors. And while that may seem as exclusionary as the one for big publishers, there is a purpose to my doing this. As Cyn pointed out, small press authors NEED to promote themselves much more than the big guys. And I got to thinking - why DON'T we band together? Pulling our collective author selves together in one place might just boost our signal enough to get someone to notice us. Everyone working together will help the other and maybe take some of the burden off of us individually.
I've put up a blog, at . It's empty for the moment, but it's up. As soon as I get some more members in my club, I will make it all pretty. We are the YA Authors You've Never Heard Of. I am thinking of a Facebook page too, once we get off the ground.
The beauty of this is it will be all online. We can do our own Shameless Saturday or Word Wednesday or whatever we want, once I get it all together.
If you'd like to be a part of this thing, please drop me an e-mail at christinenorris02ATgmailDOTcom. Please give me your name, the titles of your book(s) and the publisher(s). I KNOW how this is going to sound but: 1)NO PublishAmerica books. I have personal reasons. NO vanity house books, including CreateSpace. I'm still considering whether or not I want to allow self-published authors. See, I've read quite a few vanity, PA, and self-published books, mostly to review. And the majority of them were just not very good, mostly because of lack of editorial input. With small presses I at least know someone has edited them. Out of the 50 or so of such titles I've read, ONE was really good. Okay? I hate to do it, after what I said yesterday, but it has to be this way.
I'm looking for probably about 10 authors or even 5 to start us off. Once I have enough, I'll set up a yahoogroup to correspond, and we can schedule post times and whatnot.
If you'd like to boost the signal and link or repost, please do. Thanks!!!