Jun 09, 2008 20:06
I'm a huge baby when it comes to the heat. HUGE. I melt, I whine, I get extremely grumpy. So you can imagine what happened this weekend at the Maryland Faerie Festival, when the temperature reached 105 both days.
But...it wasn't that bad. Wait, I'll qualify. Saturday was extremely, obscenely uncomfortable. We had our tent, so we had shade, but the relative humidity was something like 95%, and it was sunny, and there was NO BREEZE. At all. I tried to do the whole costume thing, but after about an hour and a half, it had to go, and I was left with a tank top and shorts. Everything I was wearing was completely soaked through by the end of the day. Some of the vendors packed up and went home, because it promised to be hotter on Sunday. We were all just miserable to the nth degree.
It wasn't worse on Sunday. After the rainstorm Saturday night,(which I slept through, in the comfort of my air conditioned hotel room) the humidity went down, and the breeze stayed all day. The temperature might have been a bit higher, but it didn't feel nearly so bad. I didn't bother with the costume, and I also made a Target run for a cooler and some gatorade. The ice-water towels, ice for the bottled water, spray bottle in the cooler and gatorade also made life more bearable. And we actually signed some books on Sunday, much more than Saturday, so it was totally worth staying.And I'm pretty proud of myself for suviving the weekend without whining. Yeah, it was hot. But I just stayed still in the tent and drank plenty of water and lived to fight another day. I couldn't have done it if I were in the sun all day.
Next year I think I'm going to Balticon instead. Though, since they moved the Festival back to May next year, it might not be too bad to go and stay on site in the bunkhouse and do the 'adults-only' festival. Am I glad I didnt' do that this year? Hell, yeah! But mid-May usually isn't too bad...
My hubby's going to kill me. LOL
He and Ry had a good time, though, watching movies on the laptop and swimming in the hotel pool and just generally being somewhere else for the weekend. The brand-new Caddy we rented helped too :). Hey, it was our only vacation until September, why not live a bit, right?
The author visit with the fourth graders on Friday was a big success, apparently. The kids really enjoyed it, and so did the teachers. I think I need to try and book more of those next year. Even if I have to do more for free, if they sell books, it'll work out all right.
Things to think about: what do I want to do at Philcon this year to celebrate the paperback release of The Crown of Zeus? Special raffle prize? Launch party type thing? Costumes? Thinking...also need to get some promo stuff ready for the AoI release, just a couple of weeks away! Ack! I have at least two guest blogs to write up, already scheduled. And I have some cool magnets coming that will go into prize packs. I needs me a new contest!
I need to gather some excerpts from AoI for the Samhain website and to go in the back of other people's books.
book promotion,
the ankh of isis,
maryland faerie festival,
the crown of zeus,
hot weather