May 06, 2004 23:21
I have no idea why i h ave this...i'm just procrasinating... i have a stinkin paper due tomorrow at 8 am and a lab due at 5pm.
Let me just tell you about my crazy day. I was suppose to be up at 6:30 am so i could be at school to sign up for a writng speicalist for my Case Study paper. but i woke up at 7:45 am. Unfortunately i have class at 8 and it is a lab so it is not like i can miss it...or can i? Anyway i got out of the house at 7:50 and rode my bike as fast as possible. I got to campus at 8:10 and i went to Dutton to sign up for the writing specialists. Thank god that not a lot of people signed up today! Usually there are not more sign ups because people start waiting at 7am to sign up. Then i proceeded to my lab and was 20 min late. however, they hadn't strated on the lab so it was okay. i got my lab from last week back and got an A. HOw in the world did it get that?
So today in lab we anaylzed rat blood and tested the oxygen binding to iron when KCN and FeCN. My prediction was that when FeCN is present, more oxygen is bound to the heme because CN is already binding to another Iron. i still don't know if i'm right...I haven't analyzed my data. However 40 min in the lab, we were still just sitting there cause my teacher wasn't ready. i snuck out of lab, thanks to my lab partners who covered for me, to go see my Health Science English teacher so she can read over my Case Study Paper. Unfortunately, i messed up the times of her office hours and didn't realize she had emergancy meeting so couldn't have office hours at the time i went. So then i proceeded back to lab and we finished our lab at 12. Then i went to the writing specialist who looked at my paper, but she did not do a good job.
Then i went to the computer lab where Chi Chi, Michelle and I tried to finish up our lab write up from last week. The caluclations and graphs took 5 hours. I was in the computer lab from 1-6. I had another english class at 3 but i didn't go because I had to work on my lab.. but we had a paper due, so i just e-mailed him my paper, hoping we would accept it. Later when i was biking home, i saw him walking and turned in a hard copy to him. I then went to Annie, Nancy and Shayna's lacrosse game at the high school! It was awesome. Annie is so fast, she just runs right to the goal and scores. Nancy does these stelth like moves to fake people out. It was fun to watch them. there was this one girl from Campolindo (one of my school rivals),who did this scream the who game. It was so funny.
So here i am procrasinating trying to write my case study. Tomorrow i have all morning so i can do my lab write up! AHHH! anyway have a great night!