*A very short post.*
Hai. I've been watching a few videos of Yurugee from Hyakushiki, and I found them quite interesting.
Okamoto Keito (one of my new faves ^o^) is there. So if you're a fan, you should watch it :D
Here's one that I liked:
www.youtube.com/watch ^^
BTW, our first semester's almost over for this school year, so we're getting loads of projects and final exams -o- It's really tiring.
I still feel kind of sick sometimes, but it's already the weekend. I'm hoping that I'll get better by Saturday :)
As for my new baby sister, I don't really know when she's gonna come out, but my parents say probably somewhere around next week. I'm so excited that everytime I get some free time, I play with the stroller and pretend that she's inside it XD
OH, ANDDDD I heard that the SUMMARY DVD 2010 was released today. I wanna watch it sooo bad *o* Still waiting for a download torrent or something so I can watch it ^^,