Weekend rapup

May 23, 2004 13:09

Friday: Played Tennis, did some homework, and watched a couple of movies

Saturday: Went to the library to get books for my paper about prejudice and discrimination. Did some homework(not a lot though) and went to Texas Road House for dinner then went and saw Troy and might I say its a great movie. Brad Pitt is soo hot in that movie (girls go see it) haha but besides the hot teas in the movie it is a good movie!! Its worth seeing for anyone! Ohh also on Saturday chilled in a parking lot for a few with Stephanie.

Sunday: Went to church, made lunch, now I am about to watch the first Lord of the Rings in preparation for the 3rd one that comes out on Tuesday. While watching the movie I plan on doing some research for my paper due on Tuesday. Other that that, I am not doing anyting to exciting.

Well, that was my weekend!! Not an overly exciting one but it happened anywho!!! OHHHH I am going home next weekend for a whole week!!! YAY I get to see my pals!!!!!!

Ok gtg,
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