
Jan 10, 2006 18:56

so I havn't updated in forever....ah o well. i have a little less than 2 weeks of vaca left and i dont want to go back. i mean i do want to go back to the suite and all since i live in a nut house, but def dont want to go to classes...eww dreadful.

i havnt been up to much basically just running, going to work, hanging out with my people and catching up on some light reading. i finished the 5 people u meet in heaven by mitch albom and i must say its a good book. not as good as tuesdays with morrie, but still good and a very quick read. now im starting dan brown's digital fortress which should be good because all of his other books are.

in other news i hate people lol @ work one girl quit. by quit i dont mean gave a two weeks notice just didn't show up friday, monday or today. she wasn't answering her calls until one of the other girls called her on from a blocked number. bah that means i have to close every night ...gross

well im having people over tonight to watch skeleton key, so im off to go do some last minute tidying up, see u all soon
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