church - sleepover - parade - games - rides - candy apple - fireworks - - - St. Mary's Day

Jul 25, 2005 13:59

Warning: If you are still reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince or you are going to ...i am going to be talking about it at the end of this you may want to stop reading.

I can't believe there is only one more month of summer. i mean i want to move back in but i dont want to go to classes yet, i haven't felt relaxed yet. anyway, my summer class finished a while ago so that was good. it was really fun but a lot of work since it was crammed into 6 weeks.

St. Mary's Day was yesterday. it was good to see a lot of people again. kristina came down and slept over my house last night and we met up with jeanine, lucy, phaedra and souksanh. i must say though, st. mary's day has lost the magic it once held for me when i was younger. o well

i read tuesdays with morrie 2 weeks ago and i must say that it is a really good book. it is one the summer reading list for 9th grade honors english at west. it talks about death and coping with it and also how to live your life. i have to say that it did help me a little with the grieving part.

WARNING: i am now going to talk about the latest Harry Potter book. read at your own risk.
Well Saturday night i finished it. i know it did take me a long time, but i didn't start until tuesday because i gave kevin a head start because he has his other books to read and then i worked a lot last week so i only had a minimum of spare time to read it. the ending made me cry, i'll admit it :)

i have to say that i really liked this book. though i didn't want, we'll call the person " D " (incase anyone did not heed my warnings and didn't finish the book is still reading this) to die. i really think though that " D " died because it was part of his/her plan with the person who killed him/her. and that the person who killed him/her is really double playing and is still a goodguy. i do hope though that hp and ginny get back together in the next book. that would make me happy :)

i thought this book though kept me on my toes the whole way and did leave some "unfinished" business that hopefully will be explained in teh next book.

well i hope i really didn't give any of it away

call me sometime before the summer ends so we can do stuff

i'm out


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