Wednesday Wows

May 06, 2009 15:22

#1--Deaf Nation Expo last Saturday was interesting,  but not as exciting as last year's (when I got to meet a deaf actor I'd admired for a long time).   But I did understand some signs here and there,  including parts of a live game show called "Accept or Accept Not."   The first "eureka" moment came before I even entered the building,  as I was coming out of the tunnel that goes from the parking lot under the street to the Fairplex.   A deaf guy looked at me and brought his crossed hands down in front of his face.   And I knew what he was saying--"Dark!"

#2-- My last sign language class is next Monday...Now I have to decide if I want to try a college ASL course,  with the possible goal of learning to interpret for schoolkids.   (The requirements aren't as tough as interpreting for adults.)

#3--I've actually worked three days in a row again,  at three different schools.   Yesterday,  I was at a junior high with students who have trouble learning and paying attention.   They had no trouble talking,  however--or insulting each other.   Their history textbook almost put me to sleep.   Why are they always so dry and full of big,  complicated words?
  Today,  I worked with the autistic kindergartners again.   Both days,  the teachers said I was a big help.   I was surprised,  because I felt a little awkward and bumbling.   Glad they didn't mind.     
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