LJ Interests meme results
- basketball:
I played this in highschool, it was fun and I sort of miss it, but I couldn't play seriously anymore, I wouldn't have the heart - cards:
My friends and I always play cards, euchre and poker are the most often played however spoons makes its way in on occasion - dancing:
I love dancing, I did it for 11 years, it was great, I miss dancing, and I need to go to a club. - movies:
I see millions of movies, ok not so many, but I see a lot, they are great, and good things to talk about, though don't get me wrong, I read too. :) - music:
I always listen to music, it might just be that Danny rubbed off on me, but I can always find a song that relates to how I feel or what I am thinking, they are fun to send to people to show them what they think about you (be nice) but music was one thing that kept Danny in my heart and mind these last 3 months, it is like glue, keeps you together even when you're supposed to be separated - reading:
I love to read, I read a book as often as I can, right now I am in between books but tomorrow I am starting Beauty, it is the book of beauty and the beast, I imagine it will be a little different, but still very good - running:
I never used to like to run but now it's a good way to destress myself, the doctor said I had to so that I would stop sleeping my days away, and so I run, and when I run I can listen to music and think all I want, and all alone, or with company, depending on how I feel. - shopping:
I'm a girl, enough said. - soccer:
This is my life...mostly - :
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