May 15, 2002 21:06
well tomorrow i leave for regionals! i'm pretty excited, i think it'll be fun. i just spent the last couple of hours getting my stuff together and even tho its 3 days and two nights i packed like a pair of pants, capri's, a skirt, a dress, a zip up sweater, a tank top, two tee's, a long sleeved shirt, a bikini, and like four pairs of shoes. i almost didn't take that much when i went to the states, but there i knew what to be prepared for, here i have no clue cuz no telling what could happen. i'm rooming w/ Rachael, Ashleigh, and Teressa and they're cool so i'm happy. hmm whatelse, school is getting to an end, i'm happy and sad. i mean some of the daily bullshit that i'm forced to deal w/ is so old, and i mean i'm happy i'll be able to leave it all behind, but i'm gonna miss some of the things. cuz i'm just a little girl in a big world who is never gonna grow up. prom is comming up and i'm excited, last year it was something out of a fairy tale, this year i hope cuz its my last its even better, if there's better than perfect which last years was. me and walter are good, i'm gonna miss him tho, i've seen him for a week and now i have to go again. bummer. our one year anniverssary is comming up and i want to get him something special. anybody have any ideas? i'm open to all ideas. well i'm gonna go now. bye