Jul 28, 2005 22:46
yeah so i am copying everyone else....
1. you are awesome and i am glad we started hanging out. You're great to talk to and I hope we continue to hang out.
2. Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. i can't explain how grateful i am for you. i dont know how i would survive without you. i enjoyed growing up with you. i love you girl.
3. you are so cute. you make me laugh and i love driving around with ya and being stupid. senior year is going to be awesome and we are going to have so much fun living together in college. i love ya
4. i had fun with you this summer. i dont care what people have said. i think ur a cool kid
5. we have been friends for the longest time and have so many memories together. i pretty much can call you my sister. i see you most days and talk to you everyday. we will always be friends and no one can stop us. you have always known me better than anyone else and i can tell you anything and everything. living with you next year is going to be great. I love bunches!
6. what can i say about you. you can really rip me apart sometimes. i dont know why i think about u. you cheated on me with an ugly slut and i can't get over that. i dont think i should even try.
7. you never come through for me and are unfair.
8. you're always gone and i don't know if thats a good or bad thing
9. i can't help but look up to you a little bit. You can tell it to me straight. you help me understand alot of things that i would never figure out on my own.
10.slow down. ur going crazy.
11.yall are cool and i'm glad we're hanging out
12.ha you dont fool me one bit. i've caught you in so many lies. you think you're such a little bad boy. you're not as bad as you think you are.