May 25, 2006 16:05
No amount of preparation can keep disaster away from me.
So...tonight started off well. I picked up Anna and we met at Es'. So....we're speeding down the 401...waving at people and making flirtatious glances at boys lol..and all of a sudden this one guy waves to us...passes us...and looks back and waves again...and Es is like * OH my gosh!!! its MARK!!!!* Mark is this guy that shes known FOREVER and was in love with FOREVER. So we kept speeding up and passing each other it was fun. She actually called him at one point and he told her to slow down lol. That was cool.
We got to the go station we wanted just fine.....after we followed this random guy that we kept waving at, and finally asked him for directions as we were driving. Anna made a couple interesting comments that luckily he did not hear....infact she made a lot of awesome comments to a lot of random people on the street lolol There was this scary looking punk child carrying around some massive leaves on a stick...and Annas like * I like your leaves* and she like..made one of those snotty smiles lol. I was scared. Anyway, then we decided to go out for dinner. We ended up in Ajax. No problem......
So we go to Montanas. Our waiter Scott was ....awesome lol. Anna made one comment to him about his name and he started talking...and probably wouldnt have stopped if the manager hadnt come over to tell him that we werent his table lol. Then he was told to go home...or something. I cant remember. It was funny though. A really nice girl named Natalie served us. He came back though to say goodbye before he left and told us to come back sometime. HAHA.So we decided to just leave from ajax cuz I was afraid of being late. ha. We managed to get directions from this other waiter who was extremely confusing lol, and we were on our way. We all had to pee and there were only two bathrooms and only 10 minutes to spare which was actually a generous amount of time compared to the rest of the evening........
We arrived in Toronto after a painfully slow train ride...but that was ok....much talking occured and amazingly enough I did very little talking all evening lol. We found a subway man and asked him where to go. Evidentally he was too busy staring at my boobs to give us proper directions. I told him exactly where we wanted to it was we were pretty close to the place. about a ten minute walk maybe? ....he sent us super far away!!!! We got off at this place and ended up walking for half an hour at least to get to the bar that we were going to for a show. The show was starting at ten...and we arrived at ten thirty. Luckily they hadnt yet started. The man at the door was hitting on Anna, and the man taking the money ....i think he thought he knew me cuz he kept looking at me like he thought he did...but i was like....he doesnt lol. Seriously that place was rather a crap bin. But the show was soooo good and it made me happy :-D
Anna and Es liked them too. We all wanted them to go on longer but.....I bought a cd for 3 bucks. Its only got 5 tracks on it...but who cares!? lol. Its great :D
So...Annas admirer stops her as we walk out and hes was nice to meet you and shakes her hand. He made some comment about coming back to Peterborough with us and follows us out. Anna was like.....are you serious!? and hes like I wish. HA! So Im like.....whats the best way back to union? He says take the streetcar. So...we cross teh street and wait for teh streetcar. Its a lovely area of town....heh. We met this lady who was really cool and probably the only sane person within a couple blocks around us. Yanni called me and we argued about nothing as usual for half the wait and the entire streetcar ride and would have continued to do so if we werent getting on the subway lol. Something was weird I asked this guy how far away union was and he said two blocks. So we decided to walk it.
We missed the last go train. By TWO FREAKING MINUTES.
So Im like ....ok...phewphewphewSHAT!
The Go man is like...go to york mills theres a late one there for people who miss the last train. I was like thank you so much. We run upstairs and get a taxi.
Im not going to talk about the taxi ride. I said too much of the wrong things during that ride....I would like to forget it lol.....BUT! I didnt realize how far away York Mills was a 40 dollar ride. Anna and I both pretty much emptied our bank accounts lol....we finally arrive there....find the go terminal....find a man and ask about the bus and hes like....You just missed it.
Fantastic. We had NO idea where we were...there was like nothing in this area of town except a gas station and some security guy who kept wandering around some ritzy looking building. Anna and Esther were just fine. I was not lol. We sat on some planty thing for a while...and on a whim I texted Stacey aka Zhar and am like are you up.
And she was.
Lord bless that girl....she came and got us and was like.....allright people up for a road trip to Ajax?! and im like...WHAT?! and shes like ya! you're my road trip buddy!!! lolol and im like......ohhhhh my gosh. SO bascially we were all ready to cry out of happiness.
Thank God for internet friends. I suspect Esther will never bash the fact that I have contacts in many cities, anymore. lol.
Oh and just to give you a hint of our desperation.....there are no greyhound buses to Ajax. Only Oshawa...which is far away enough from Ajax that our limited money supply wouldnt get us from Oshawa to Ajax....there was pretty much nothing helpful in york mills to get us anywhere near downtown without costing a was bad. really bad lol.
So anyway she took us to Ajax and we got the car...and drove lost once cuz Esther is directionally challenged and for whatever reason I didnt correct her cuz im a moron. Though she almost missed a couple turn offs cuz her and Anna were busy talking about the only topic of the entire evening which I grew tired of lol. Got back to Esthers.....took Anna home....and so I got home at 415 when I was supposed to get home at 2 lol. Oh was DEFINITLY an Anna said ...its the journey that counts. lol. It was a fun night but I am SO happy to be home lol. Its hilarious how the show was supposed to be the main part of the night and it actually was a very small part lol....ahhhhhhh........I think Ill go to bed very very soon heh.