music meme

Jun 08, 2010 14:47

I thought it'd time to post something else than my 100s of icons xD
I first saw this @ jussy_baby's journal

RULES: Share one song each day (video format, mp3, whatever you like)

Day 01 - Your favorite song
Söhne Mannheims - Geh davon aus

image Click to view

Day 02 - A song that makes you happy
Day 03 - A song that makes you sad
Day 04 - A song that reminds you of someone
Day 05 - A song that reminds of you of somewhere
Day 06 - A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 07 - A song that you can dance to
Day 08 - A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 09 - A song from your favorite band
Day 10 - A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 11 - A song that describes you
Day 12 - A song from your favorite album
Day 13 - A song that you listen to when you’re angry
Day 14 - A song that you listen to when you’re happy
Day 15 - A song that you listen to when you’re sad
Day 16 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 17 - A song that makes you laugh

.meme:music, random

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