Icon Tutorial #2

Mar 20, 2009 14:36

Hello people around the world.
Again I was asked to do an icon tutorial. Well..
this time I use Willy Wonka to show you ^^

Somehow I start liking doing tutorials ^.^

Program Photoshop 7.0
Steps: 5
Level: easy
Translateable: I guess so

first you need to find a pic to use (and crop it) or just use my base.
so..here we go:

wit this step we brighten the icon up
Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves
RBG: Input: 37
Output: 81

now we use a gradient map to make willy look human ^^
Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Gradient Map
from #290A59 to #FF7C00
or just install this:

set this Layer to „Soft Light“ 100%

Willy isn't human enough yet ^^
We duplicate the previous step (the Gradient Map) and set it to „Soft Light“ 30%

Okay now he looks good (: BUT the wall in the background looks weird
So create a new layer. Choose the „Brush Tool“ and use the color #FFFFFF and paint all around him.

Last but not least you take this texture:
(sorry, don't know whom to credit)
and paste it. Set it to „Multiply“ 100% and you're done

and you all who are to lazy to do that or want to make sure everythings right
Here is the .psd


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