The day of funny vids xD

Mar 09, 2009 01:12

So...I surfed the internet...not searching for anything in specific ^^ and then...suddenly BOOM

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this video crossed my screen xD
don't get me wrong...I love twilight xD (pretty sure you'd have guessed that because of my layout xD) but you can easily amuse me ^^
Okay...the best scene is "in the woods" where "edward" tells "bella" that he is a vampire and her breathing gets faster and faster and he 'Are you afraid?' and she answers 'no!' and he 'but your breathing?' this is just how I breath' I mean seriously this is fucking fantastic xD
her facial expression, how she says it WOW just so soo funny xD

and then there is this one xD

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it's soo so funny xD
best scene in this vid: the edward guy to the bella girl "take your hair down because for some reason, if your hair's down he'll think you're a vampire" OMG that is soo soo funny ^^


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