current Razorlight record

Feb 15, 2009 17:31

So, I am on another Razorlight trip..thought I'd just write down my know..randomness xD
what to say about this record than ... AMAZING?

Okay...the cover is awful...they couldn't have chosen a worse styling xD but though...the songs on this cd are wonderful. For me the inside is incredible but the outside is horrible ^^
though...they are great..even if the "Razorlight" album (with such a originally chosen name xD) had strong and really amazing songs...the "slipway fires" songs are even better (who would have thought that? no me)
Well, my fav of the new album would be "wire to wire"
mTv germany often sends it in their adverts...that makes me smilie pretty often (:
so go on and buy this record ... or at least listen to my favorite

thanks for wasting you time again.
love Christina

random, .band:razorlight

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