Post Prison Outbreak-like Brawl at the Vanilla Ice concert, I took a short respite from oddity to discreetly tranquilize The Wounds Acquired. During this downtime, there was ample opportunity to tackle a much-loathed obligation of being a member of a community: grazing the Friends Page. Annoyance and frustration. Mais Pourquoi? I soul searched. I analyzed to the fibers of my entrails. Why doth mine palfolio perturb? Scroll. Scroll. Descend. Scowl. Scroll. Scowl. Scroll. SCOWL.
amaradunae = Pictorial sequence. Forehead, where for art thou? Eyebrows? Where for art thou? Gone!
What is this irrational turn of events? Is this some new iconographic trend that I haven't caught wind of? If so, what is the point? The forehead, in the ideals of Eastern Religion and Philosophy, is the spiritual mecca of the body. Observe:
The sixth chakra is located at the third eye (mid-forehead) and is indigo. This chakra is associated with thought and with vision, particularly psychic vision. It is also the chakra of spiritual love and connection.
Of course, my attention detail was awakened and I sought to find Deeper Meaning. What is the common angst among these poor, misguided souls? Waaaaahhhh, I'm not loved! Tsk. And it's no wonder. Your forehead has been amputated and with it, your ability to accept love and (see above) spiritual connection.
But never fear, Christina is here. I have found a solution to the whole of your woes. Start anew. Delete the foreheadless icons and restore your wisdom instantaneously! Fulfillment is attainable if you only step away from the dreaded Denier Cri. And for a Not So Limited Time, I have provided constructive initiative! You have all been removed from my friends list.
Now, now. Refrain from bitterness, children. This hurts you more than it hurts me, but it is absolutely for your own good. In time and with the proper iconographic (lovely word!) alterations, you will be more than welcome to request addition. However, should you find yourself incapable of seeing beyond my brand of Tough Love, well...I shall shed no tears.
Happy Holiday!