Humility: True Greatness

May 31, 2009 22:55

65. C. J. Mahaney, Humility: True Greatness

This book comprises the reflections of Christian pastor C. J. Mahaney on humility. In the first section, Mahaney discusses the benefits of humility and perils of pride, frequently citing the Bible and the writings of influential Christians (John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, etc.). Next, he examines humility in the light of Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross. In the third and final section, he lists some practical ways in which people can practice the virtue of humility.

This book didn’t sit very well with me. I disliked the tone, which was that of a down-home country sermon. That’s just my personality, though; I prefer a drier, more academic style. Also, I couldn’t help but be extremely aware that this book was written by a Protestant minister. As a Catholic myself, some of his vocabulary was strange to me, or at least used in a different way than I would use it. That’s not necessarily a bad thing; again, it’s just my personality and character. I do think Mahaney says some insightful things about humility in this book, and I liked the practical section the best. So many books about bettering yourself talk about how important it is to do so, but they don’t tell you how to do it. People (particularly Christians) who are interested in learning more about humility would probably find this book helpful.

required reading, genre: nonfiction, topic: religion, challenge: 999 challenge, reviews

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