This week's topic for Top 10 Tuesday is the top 10 books you'd play hooky with. This is such a great theme for spring, especially for me -- in my current frame of mind, nothing sounds better than taking a mental health day! If I ran away and shirked all my responsibilities for a day, here are the books (from my shelves) I'd take with me:
1. Stephanie Perkins, Anna and the French Kiss: Quite possibly the best (and non-cheesiest) YA romance I've ever read, and it's set in Paris!
2. Meg Cabot, Every Boy's Got One: A heart, you guys -- get your minds out of the gutter! Anyway, I enjoy Meg Cabot's chick lit for some light, breezy fluff, and this particular book involves a trip to Italy and an elopement. The perfect book for a getaway!
3. Julie James, Something About You: I find Julie James' contemporary romances addictive, and I haven't read this one in a while. I'm still anxiously waiting for my pre-ordered copy of About That Night to arrive!
4. Agatha Christie, Death on the Nile: I own at least 50 (and probably more like 75) Agatha Christie novels. She's my all-time favorite mystery author, and her books are lightning-fast reads. This particular one is fun because it's set during a cruise on the Nile. (Hmm, I really seem to be gravitating toward books set in faraway lands...methinks it's time for a vacation!)
5. Georgette Heyer, Sylvester: Or anything by Georgette Heyer, really! I haven't read this one in a while though, and I find myself hankering for a dose of Sir Nugent Fotherby.
6. Rachel Aaron, The Spirit Thief: I might as well admit I'm completely addicted to The Legend of Eli Monpress. Book four comes out this summer, and I'm chomping at the bit to read it! In the meantime, it would be fun to go back and reread the series from the beginning. It's so much fun and has such great characters and is full of swash and buckle!
7. Maggie Stiefvater, The Scorpio Races: I've gushed enough about this book lately, so I'll just say that I'd love to be sunning myself on a nice warm beach right now yet feeling the cold, salty wind of Thisby on my face.
8. Robin McKinley, The Outlaws of Sherwood: This is one of my childhood favorites, and it's the best retelling of the Robin Hood legend I could ever imagine. It's clever and romantic and heart-wrenching, and you can practically smell Sherwood Forest.
9. Megan Whalen Turner, The Thief: This is another fantasy series that I love. I've only read the books once, though, and I'd be interested to see how my experience of the books will differ now that I already know what's going to happen.
10. Jane Austen, Emma: It's been too long since I've read any Austen, and Emma is the one calling my name right now. Time for a visit to Highbury!