24. Naomi Novik, Victory of Eagles
Warning: MAJOR spoilers for Empire of Ivory!
After defying the British government in Empire of Ivory, Will Laurence has been stripped of his rank and sentenced to death for treason. He is currently being held prisoner as a hostage for Temeraire’s good behavior. Meanwhile, Temeraire has been exiled to the dragon breeding grounds, where he is languishing from boredom and from anxiety about Laurence. The two are eventually reunited, but at a terrible cost: Napoleon has invaded England, and Temeraire is needed to help keep the French at bay. Despite being a condemned traitor, Laurence is ready to do his duty, but the ugliness of warfare and the bleak reality of his future drive him closer and closer to despair.
Although I had a lukewarm reaction to Empire of Ivory, I absolutely loved this fifth installment in the series. At first I was nervous about Laurence and Temeraire being separated, but Novik did a great job of telling the story in alternating chapters - one focusing on Temeraire, the next on Laurence, etc. This is certainly the most emotionally intense book in the series, as both Laurence and Temeraire are forced to make many terrible choices: several scenes had me in tears. I also enjoyed the character development, not only of Laurence and Temeraire but of several secondary characters as well: Iskierka, Tharkay, and Wellesley/Wellington were particularly interesting to me. I’m eager to continue with the series, although I might need to take a short break from the Napoleonic Wars!