A challenge and a resolution

Jan 05, 2012 22:20

I just realized that I promised kiwiria a list of my 12 in 12 categories, but thus far I have completely neglected to post it! My apologies, and here are my categories for the 12 in 12 Category Challenge at LibraryThing.
  1. Blitzkrieg Bop -- books about or set during World War II
  2. The Kids Are All Right -- children's and young adult
  3. The Austen Marathon -- books inspired by or relating to Jane Austen
  4. Stranger Than Fiction -- nonfiction
  5. Have Laser Gun, Will Travel -- science fiction
  6. Retro Reads -- books published in or before 1950
  7. Is This a Kissing Book? -- chick lit and romance
  8. Ye Olde Historical Fiction -- historical fiction, including stories with parallel storylines (one contemporary, one historical)
  9. Second Quest, Same as the First -- fantasy novels in a series, but not the first book (in other words, they must be from series I've already started!)
  10. The Butler Did It -- mysteries
  11. On the Shelf -- books I acquired before December 31, 2011
  12. Gallimaufry -- whatever I want!
I hope to read 12 books in each category, for a grand total of 144 books. This will definitely be a challenge for me, especially since I won't have much time for additional reading. But I've given myself several "fun" categories, so hopefully I can get it done!


In other news, I've been making my New Year's Resolutions today. (Yes, I know it's already January 5, but so what?) And I think that, in addition to my general life-improving resolutions, I should probably make a bookshelf-improving resolution too. Right now, my bookshelves are literally overflowing with books, and methinks it's time for a little pruning.

Therefore, I hereby resolve that, in each month of 2012, I will host a giveaway of one or more books from my shelves. That's right, you will have the chance to win free books every month! I'll post the detailed rules along with the announcement of each month's giveaway; but for now, I'll just say that I will announce a new giveaway on the first Friday of each month, close the giveaway on the last day of the month, and announce a winner on the first day of the following month.

Sound good? Great! If you paid attention to that last paragraph, you will have gathered that tomorrow is the first Friday in January...so check back tomorrow for the January giveaway announcement! The giveaway will be open until January 31, and I will announce the winner on February 1.

upcoming events, challenge: 12 in 12, challenge

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