Mini-challenge: Book Haikus

Oct 29, 2011 15:25

Today's mini-challenge for the Bout of Books Read-a-Thon at On a Book Bender is to write one or two haikus based on the books we've read for the read-a-thon. I couldn't resist, so here are the two haikus I entered:

1. The machine of death,
Supposed to be for our good,
Will always laugh last.

Based on Machine of Death: A Collection of Stories About People Who Know How They Will Die by Ryan North et al., which I'm currently reading.

2. Dear Mina: the Count
Is super creepy. I think
He wants to eat me.

Based on Bram Stoker's Dracula.


In other news, have you ever wanted to write your very own gothic novel? Find out how at Indie Jane, a blog dedicated to self-published Austen paraliterature. I loved their advice...sort of makes me want to try it myself! NaNoWriMo IS practically here....

read-a-thon: mini-challenge, genre: poetry, read-a-thon, misc, topic: writing, misc: link

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