The last Borders haul

Sep 03, 2011 15:47

Today I went to my local Borders for what will probably be the last time. I feel sad -- this is the end of an era! On the other hand, I did manage to score a lot of books I've been meaning to read.

Hounded and Hexed by Kevin Hearne: Lately I've been on the lookout for a new urban fantasy series, but I didn't want anything involving vampires or werewolves. The protagonist here is a druid hiding out from a wrathful god in Tempe, Arizona, which seems like a unique setup to me. Overall, the series looks like it will involve some adventuresome, tongue-in-cheek badassery. Can't wait to start it!

Retribution Falls by Chris Wooding: Don't know much about this one, except that it's been compared to "Firefly" and it has sky pirates. That description pretty much sold me!

Splendor by Anna Godbersen: The fourth and final book in The Luxe series. I already own (and have read) books 1-3, so of course I had to get my hands on the last installment.

Light Boxes by Shane Jones: I wanted to read this when it came out, but I couldn't bring myself to spend $14 on it. Today the price was much better!

Transformations by Anne Sexton: I've only read a few of her poems, but I've liked them all, and I am definitely interested in reading more.

The Polysyllabic Spree by Nick Hornby: I'm a huge fan of Hornby's work, and I enjoyed this collection of essays about books.

You Don't Have to Say You Love Me  by Sarra Manning: This one piqued my interest when janicu reviewed it. I enjoy chick lit when it's well-written, so I'm hoping to like this novel.

Okay, those last two were not purchased at Borders; I actually got them in the mail via Paperback Swap today. But I think they count as part of my book haul!

books: book stack, books: bookstore

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