"Bout of Books" Read-a-Thon Wrap-Up

Aug 29, 2011 11:08

Yesterday concluded the Bout of Books Read-a-Thon at On a Book Bender.

I managed to get some reading done this week, though not as much as I'd originally hoped. Here are my stats for the week:

Books read: (1) Light in August by William Faulkner, ch. 2 through end; (2) Indigo Springs by A. M. Dellamonica, whole book; (3) One of Our Thursdays Is Missing by Jasper Fforde, beginning through p. 127.
Time spent reading: 9 hr. 21 min. (approx.)
Pages read: 908

I had a good time and look forward to my next read-a-thon!

read-a-thon: wrap-up, read-a-thon

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