Tune In Tuesday: '90s Edition

Aug 23, 2011 13:56

Okay, so this post isn't really book-related...or is it? Most music has lyrics; lyrics are a form of poetry; poetry is book-related; so I can totally do a music meme on this blog, right? Anyway, I saw this meme at The Book Garden, but it's actually hosted by GReads! To participate, just share a song you like so that others can experience its awesomeness. This week is a '90s theme, which is perfect for me since that's when I first started paying attention to music (and not just the stuff my mom liked).

So here's a '90s song I really enjoy:

image Click to view

I've always liked the Gin Blossoms, and "Found Out About You" is one of my favorite songs by them. It appears on their album New Miserable Experience, which was released in 1992. Good stuff!

music, tune in tuesdays, misc: video

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