New books!

Mar 14, 2011 18:37

Unfortunately, a Borders in my area is one of the many stores that are soon to close. (Fortunately, it's not the one closest to my house, so I still have somewhere to browse nearby!) However, this means I can profit from its going-out-of-business sale! I scored three books today:


Ilona Andrews, Bayou Moon: I enjoyed On the Edge, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to grab the sequel for 30% off.

Georgette Heyer, The Unfinished Clue: I am slowly acquiring all of Heyer's mysteries. I don't like them as much as the romances, but they're still Heyers, darn it!

Jennifer Echols, Endless Summer: I'd been meaning to get this for a while, ever since reading (and loving) Going Too Far and Forget You. Today I finally achieved the necessary motivation.

Ahh, buying books, one of life's great pleasures. :)

books: book stack, books: bookstore

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