Vintage Mystery Challenge Wrap-Up

Mar 10, 2011 14:45

Last night I finished my final book for the Vintage Mysteries Reading Challenge at My Reader's Block.

I attempted the lowest tier of the challenge, "In a Murderous Mood," which required me to read 4-6 mysteries published before 1960. Here's what I read:
  1. Georgette Heyer, Footsteps in the Dark (1932)
  2. Friedrich Dürrenmatt, The Pledge (1958)
  3. M. M. Kaye, Death in Berlin (1955)
  4. Friedrich Dürrenmatt, The Judge and His Hangman (1950)
I'm planning to read some more "vintage mysteries" this year, though -- I already have three more Heyer mysteries on my shelves! Plus I've been meaning to read some Josephine Tey, Edmund Crispin, and the like....

challenge: vintage mysteries, genre: mystery, challenge: completed

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