Vintage mysteries + challenge = I'm sold

Nov 30, 2010 11:08

Birdie, this is your fault!

My Reader's Block is hosting a Vintage Mystery Reading Challenge in 2011. The main rule is that all books must be (1) written before 1960 and (2) from the mystery genre. There are multiple levels to the challenge:
  • In a Murderous Mood: 4-6 Books
  • Get a Clue: 7-9 Books
  • Hot on the Trail: 10-12 Books
  • Capture the Criminal: 13-15 Books
  • Take 'Em to Trial: 16+ Books
(There's also an option to read 5-7 vintage mysteries by either all male or all female authors.) Once you sign up for the challenge and pick your level, you are "locked in" for that number of books -- but when you complete your challenge, you get a prize! See the challenge sign-up post for more details and author recommendations.

I am going to sign up for the lowest tier of the challenge, "In a Murderous Mood." I'm not quite sure what I'll read, but Georgette Heyer and Edmund Crispin will probably make an appearance!

challenge: vintage mysteries, challenge

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