Day 15

Nov 22, 2010 22:07

Day 15. Favorite love confession from the films.

I narrowed it down to two choices, and I'm going to share them both (because I can, damn it!), but I think this one has to be my top pick:

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This is the proposal scene from "Emma" 1996, and you have to admit, it's absolutely lovely. The music, the scenery, the Jeremy's all good. :) Seriously, I think Northam knocks it out of the park with this speech. I'll admit that the line "Maybe it is our imperfections that make us so perfect for one another" makes me roll my eyes a little, but overall the scene is well scripted and beautifully acted. It's sweet, satisfying, and wonderfully romantic.

However, I also have to give mad props to this scene:

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This is from P&P 2005, more familiarly known as "the Keira Knightley version." I wasn't a huge fan of the adaptation overall, but I think Matthew MacFadyen is excellent in this scene. Every little inflection and facial movement is done so well -- you can really feel his anger, disappointment, and love coming through. I also like the fact that he starts by listing all the objections to the match, and then suddenly blurts out "I love you!" I also really like near the end of the scene, where it appears that they might kiss any second, but instead Mr. Darcy makes the sarcastic comment and leaves. Such a great way to end the scene! :)

The Jane Austen Challenge

1. Favorite Austen heroine.
2. Favorite Austen man.
3. Favorite Austen book.
4. Favorite quote from the books.
5. Favorite moment in the books.
6. Favorite movie adaptation.
7. Favorite Austen couple.
8. Least favorite couple.
9. Most hated foe of a heroine.
10. Most frustrating family member.
11. Least favorite book.
12. Least favorite Austen heroine.
13. Least favorite Austen man.
14. Favorite love confession from the books.
15. Favorite love confession from the films.
16. Least favorite film adaptation.
17. Moment that made you sad/cry while reading.
18. Moment that made you smile/happy while reading.
19. Moment that made you laugh while reading.
20. Moment that made you mad while reading.
21. Favorite Jane Austen-related photo.
22. Favorite Austen female casting decision.
23. Favorite Austen male casting decision.
24. Favorite supporting character.
25. Favorite family connection (i.e. sister-sister, mother-daughter, brother-sister, etc.)
26. Favorite casting cameo from the films.
27. Favorite quote from the films.
28. Favorite moment from the films.
29. Favorite character back story or secret.
30. Character you most relate to.

movies, author: author gush, author: jane austen, misc: video, movies: novels into film

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