Day 12 and more books

Nov 19, 2010 22:28

Day 12. Least favorite Austen heroine.

Poor Fanny Price! Nobody likes her, and I have to admit that I don't either. She has many good qualities, but the truth is, she doesn't really have a sense of humor, and she's just not very much fun. I hate throwing her under the bus, though, because I do admire her. She is the only character in Mansfield Park who is always honest and never goes back on her principles. She also shows great strength of character when all the Bertrams urge her to marry Henry Crawford, but she sticks to her guns (and is ultimately proved right). But still, despite her virtuousness and good judgment, I just can't make myself like her. It's really a shame!

The Jane Austen Challenge

1. Favorite Austen heroine.
2. Favorite Austen man.
3. Favorite Austen book.
4. Favorite quote from the books.
5. Favorite moment in the books.
6. Favorite movie adaptation.
7. Favorite Austen couple.
8. Least favorite couple.
9. Most hated foe of a heroine.
10. Most frustrating family member.
11. Least favorite book.
12. Least favorite Austen heroine.
13. Least favorite Austen man.
14. Favorite love confession from the books.
15. Favorite love confession from the films.
16. Least favorite film adaptation.
17. Moment that made you sad/cry while reading.
18. Moment that made you smile/happy while reading.
19. Moment that made you laugh while reading.
20. Moment that made you mad while reading.
21. Favorite Jane Austen-related photo.
22. Favorite Austen female casting decision.
23. Favorite Austen male casting decision.
24. Favorite supporting character.
25. Favorite family connection (i.e. sister-sister, mother-daughter, brother-sister, etc.)
26. Favorite casting cameo from the films.
27. Favorite quote from the films.
28. Favorite moment from the films.
29. Favorite character back story or secret.
30. Character you most relate to.


In other news, I went to town at the Barnes & Noble today! I had a "15% off your purchase" coupon, so I went a little crazy and bought the following: Mariana by Monica Dickens (I'm snapping up these Persephones when I find them!), One Day by David Nicholls (thanks for the rec, fbajet), Footsteps in the Dark by Georgette Heyer (the first of her mysteries), and The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N. K. Jemisin (for the Women of Fantasy book club). I also got Skin Game by Ava Gray in the mail from Paperback Swap today, so it looks like I'll have to do some serious adjusting of my bookshelves!

author: jane austen, books: book stack, livejournal: meme, books: bookstore

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