Steampunk challenge!

Oct 05, 2010 14:44

Yet another challenge I couldn't resist! Here's what Rikki at The Bookkeeper has to say about it:
You want to read steampunk, share your opinion and reviews with like minded people? You want to get recommendations from others because you have no idea where to begin? Join the steampunk challenge and share the experience!

The challenge runs from October to October and there are no obligations other than to have fun discovering a genre and let other participants know about what you find.
Click the picture to see additional information about the challenge. I have a lot of steampunk on my TBR list, so this is perfect for me! Here are some of the things I plan to read:
  • Gail Carriger's Parasol Protectorate series (Changeless, Blameless, etc.)
  • Cherie Priest's Boneshaker (and possibly also Clementine and Dreadnought, depending on how Boneshaker goes!)
  • Scott Westerfield's Leviathan
  • M. K. Hobson, The Native Star
  • Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel
  • Stephen Hunt, The Court of the Air
  • Gail Dayton, New Blood
  • And anything else that catches my eye! :)
This is definitely a challenge I'm looking forward to starting!

challenge: steampunk, challenge, genre: steampunk

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