Smallville stiletto

Apr 24, 2009 11:36

Stiletto was a good episode but Clois made it even better!

At the beginning of the episode I thought "Kind of silly but must be fun"
It was a good episode for Lois because she realized her mistake and I loved the part where Lois saved Clark...It was so romantic and sweet...I mean she was crying...~snif~and me too!
Clark is the best hero ever...
He stopped the bullet when he was weak by the kryptonite..."I love you Clark Kent"
and by the way this was one of the best scenes of the episode!

I felt sorry for Chloe...and the part I didn't like was Jimmy buying drugs!Eek
Chloe showed Clark a website that is shipping "Bluretto." HAHAHAHA Loved it...

My second favorite scene was the Clois one at the DP! Lois got him coffee and toasts..She was so good...Clark leaned forward a little, wincing pretending he was still hurt LOL he had a little smile on his face...that bastard...he was faking it!
but you know Lois is Lois...She ate both of his toasts and when she grabbed the second one Clark frowned...LOL God I love them!

Chloe saw the good stuff again! Clark lifted up his shirt to show her that he's okay...I mean, She would know that by now right?? I'm not complaining though! In fact I want to see it again next week so I'm certain he is okay!

Clark gave the chance to Lois to talk to the RBB... He was all "Miss Lane" through the whole conversation...and he said that she should pick him another name! Hee
When he was talking as the RBB he was different...I don't know..I think he had a different attitude! He said "you're nervous" like he wasn' he was so okay with it! Maybe he was...

Lois is awesome...She offered her friendship to him...she thought that maybe he feels lonely! That was so cute!

Next episode trailer

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It looks awesome! very Chlark episode!
Did you see how angry  Clark is at the end??God *shivers*

videos, smallville, trailer, review, some thoughts

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